
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

About Us

Who We Are

Grameen Foundation (GF) was founded in 1997, inspired by the work of Nobel Laureate Professor Mohammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and a global leader in the fight against poverty. Over the years, Grameen Foundation has grown into a global non-profit that helps the world’s poorest people reach their full potential by providing access to essential financial services and information on agriculture and health.

We believe that all of us desire to improve our lives and that all of us – even the poorest among us – can reach our full potential if we are given access to the right tools and timely information.

Practice Areas

What We Do

Innovations in Digital Finance

Agriculture & Livelihoods

Women Economic Empowerment

Health &

Our Approach to Create Lasting Impact

Grameen’s programming approach is based on a deep understanding of the needs and barriers faced by low-income people from disadvantaged communities and is driven by use cases to address gaps in awareness, access, adoption, and quality. We address demand and supply-side barriers through deep community engagement, scalable models, leveraging technology applications and innovative partnerships to prime our solutions for adoption, scale, and sustainability.

Market Research & Data Analytics

Quantitative and qualitative research and data analytics to understand the socio-economic and cultural context and needs and behaviors of low-income people

Product Design

Utilizing behavioral learnings, we apply a rapid design and prototyping process to innovate new products for the poor - or improving existing products


Through business modeling, process re-engineering and change management, we ensure that business models are viable, sustainable, and scalable

Delivery Channel Innovation

To reach the "last mile", we test, demonstrate and scale new delivery channels leveraging mobile technology and trusted intermediaries


Years of


partners &


clients &



Our Partners




Always Open

Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat

BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. We help nonprofits from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (and hundreds of places in between) access.


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Give Education for Children

Elementum sagittis vitae et leo duis ut diam quam nulla. Sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus in mollis nunc. 

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Safe + Easy Donations

Work in More Than 5k Countries

We help donors make safe and easy US tax-deductible donations to vetted, locally-driven organizations around the world. Donations are tax-deductible, taxpayers can give in GBP and claim an extra 25% if Gift Aid eligible.

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Why We Need You

Donor satisfaction is guaranteed

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

We help nonprofits become more effective

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

We’re quick and nimble. We’re truly global

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

We help companies give well

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.


What People Say About Our Company

We continually experiment. We fail quickly and productively. We use data and feedback to guide our course.

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