
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789




Targeted impact

10,000 farmers (in India)


Eastern Uttar Pradesh (Varanasi and Mirzapur)


1. 50,000 male and female smallholder farmers (in all 5 countries) have access to evidence-based and tailored advice and adopt sustainable agricultural practices. (Target: 50% women). 

2. Ministries of agriculture, the development community and Digital Advisory Services (DAS) providers in five countries promote evidence-based delivery models to scale-up gender-sensitive DAS for long-term behaviour change towards sustainable agriculture.


  • Reached 79 villages, where 40 agents are working in the hybrid model and 39 are working in the agent model. 
  • Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) completed across 160 villages, allocating 40 villages each to self, hybrid, agent, and control models, and completed household listings for 3,200 farming households.
  • With the help of Farmbetter team; Developed and released two versions of the Farmbetter app, for extension agents and for farmers which is available on the Google Play Store.
  • Established 80 Farmbetter WhatsApp communities with 80 extension agents to facilitate interaction with farmers.


With support from the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and under the leadership of the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern, Grameen is working with the Institute of Sociology (IoS) of the University of Bern, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), and FarmBetter Ltd under the AgriPath project. 

It aims to bring sustainable agriculture to scale by identifying, evaluating, and promoting promising pathways for digitally supported agricultural advisory services that effectively and efficiently enable female and male smallholders to make informed decisions and sustainably increase their agricultural productivity, income, and climate resilience. AgriPath is designed around one digital application – the farmbetter app – which is co-designed with and tailored to its users in the target countries. The algorithm of the farmbetter app matches farmers’ needs with sustainable land management solutions. AgriPath will bring together and compare three types of Digital Advisorv Services (DAS):

  1. Grameen’s agent-based facilitated model.
  2. Farmbetter’s self-service model.
  3. Hybrid with the agent as the main user of advanced app features and farmers using some features alone.

 This initiative identifies and promotes digitally supported agricultural advisory services, contributing to sustainable agriculture in Africa and Asia.